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Hey everybody, the real deal here. I am very excited that we got a full case of the Adventure Time Kid Robot mini-series. You can see there’s not much on the front of the box there. You can see Jake in the side of the box there and of course the back on the box shows you who is in the set and the rarity there. It looks like Fiona’s 1-in-40. She’s rare. The Lich looks like the super rare one.
He’s 1-in-80. Keep your fingers crossed. Let’s hope I get a Lich in here. That would be really cool. Some of their question mark rarity so I don’t know how rare Magic Man is. I don’t know who this mystery character is. Marshall Lee is a little bit rare, Prince Gumball. It looks like all the different variant ones like cake are the rare ones. Let’s hope I get a couple of those in here. Let’s see. Let’s open this up. I opened up a Simpsons Kid Robot case recently and that was a dud case. I wasn’t thrilled with the assortment in there so hopefully I’ll have better luck with the Kid Robot Adventure Time ones.
Now let’s see here. Okay, cool. It also tells you on the package the rarity. That’s nice. Grab all 18. I’ve got 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. There’s 20 in here. I probably won’t get the whole set. That would be crazy but I like the packaging. Look at Beemo back there, very neat. Very nice packaging as usual from Kid Robot and their figures are usually really awesome as well. The only set in there was their DC set. I like the design of those.
I am looking forward to this. I think these are really cool. Funko did an Adventure Time set as well that came in these cool collector’s pins and boxed that a while ago. Wow, look at that. Look at that. I got Fiona. That’s a 1-in-40 figure right out of the gate. That’s nice. I got a rare figure. That makes me happy there. Fiona does not come with an accessory. It looks like most of them don’t except maybe Finn with the grass sword if I’m lucky enough to get him.
We got Fiona, 1-in-40. Nice, it’s nice to get a rare figure right away. That’s encouraging. Let’s see if I get any more rare figures. It’s funny. With a lot of these with Funko Titans, the Kid Robot ones, they seem to put the rare figures right up front. Not exactly sure what the logic is behind that but that just seems to be how it’s done. Good to know.
There we go. We’ve got Jake of course. We’re going to get Finn and Jake in here. I’ve seen his enemy characters. I can’t imagine not getting them. Jake is 3-in-20. I probably won’t get 3 Jakes in here.
I hope I don’t get that many. I don’t want that many doubles in here. These figures are really nice looking. They’re big. It looks like they’re little more than about 3 inches tall. They’re really nice plastic. They’re really nicely done. The cars on there are fantastic. That is really a nice looking set. There we go. Let’s see who is next here. Adventure Time is also one of my favorite games is Adventure Time Munchkin. It’s a card game. Oh this is Beemmo. It’s got to be. It’s a big square here. Munchkin is a card game.
It’s like an adventure game where you raid a dungeon and you get weapons and fight monsters and stuff. It’s an Adventure Time version of it. That is a blast. I play it all the time with my wife and my brother-in-law and my nephew. I have a great time playing it. It’s really fun. I definitely recommend it. If you’re an Adventure Time fan, you should go check out Adventure Time Munchkin. You can get it at Target. I think you can get it just about anywhere they sell games. You can get it online too. There you go.
This Beemo figure is awesome. I did get sidetracked talking about Adventure Time Munchkin. It’s just this big, giant chunk of plastic. He is 2-in-20. Probably going there’s going to be another here too. It’s just a really cool looking figure. So far, I haven’t any of these being any heavier or any different weight than any of the other ones. Man, once you open it up, I knew that was Beemo.
Let’s see. I don’t think this is Beemo. Let’s see who got. Maybe we’ll get another 1-in-40 figure, that would be cool. Maybe we’ll get the Lich. Oh, man if I get the Lich that would be awesome.
Oh, nice. We did get another 1-in-40 figure. Oh, no wait a minute. She’s 3-in-40. Marceline is 3-in-40. She’s not a 1-in-40 figure. That’s okay. I really like Marceline. She’s one of my favorite characters. Oh, wait a minute. Marceline, she comes with her axe. That makes sense.
It looks like Beemo didn’t come with anything. I don’t think I missed anything. I always get worried that I’m going to miss the accessories in the package there but double-checking. There’s nothing there. Let’s open up the axe for Marceline. It’s really cool. That should go right in her hand. Yes, no, maybe. Sort of. It couldn’t quite fit. There it goes. We’ll just leave that alone. That’s cool looking. So far so good.
I’m really liking this set. These figures are really well done. They’re very nice looking. Who is in here. Somebody’s feet. We’ve got Marshall Lee. Cool, that’s my second 1-in-40 figure. That’s nice. I’ve got 2 of the rare figures here. Now does he come up anything, guitar, anything like that? No, nope. He doesn’t come up with anything. All right, cool.
Let’s take a better look at Marshall Lee there. Really, cool. I got two 1-in-40 figures. I wonder if that means I’m less likely to get a 1-in-80 figure which would be the Lich or one of those mystery figures. I don’t know. Let’s see. Let’s keep going here. So far so good. Not getting too many doubles. I think my case pack out should be pretty good here. Should be getting a good. Let’s see. Let me not jinx my stuff. Okay, all right of course. Nice, we’ve got a 1-in-20 figure and this is Finn with the grass sword. There you go. There’s only one of him in the case. That’s nice.
Then of course the 1-in-40 figure, that’s one in every 2 cases. Cool, Finn with the grass sword. There he is. How cool is that? Really, really nice. Really cool figure out. His red outfit there, really cool. Nice. We’ve got Finn, we’ve got Jake. Oh we didn’t get the regular Finn yet. We need to get Fiona. I’m destroying these boxes. Who cares? It’s not about the boxes. Oh that’s neat. You got little Beemo on there on the inside. I just noticed that, a nice little touch there, Hotdog. Now let’s keep it moving. Let’s see who we get. Okay, we’ve got another Jake. That’s fine. Maybe we’re going to get more of him. He’s 3-in-20.
I figured I was going to get another Jake. Makes sense. He is one of the characters. Of course, they’re not going to make him a rare one. Let’s see who else we’ve got here. We’ll move on because we already saw Jake. A lot of Jake, not a lot of Finn. This is definitely another Beemo. Now we’re starting to get some doubles. That’s okay. That’s to be expected in a case. There he is. There’s Beemo. There you go. I will put Beemo over there by himself. Beemo is 2-in-20. I shouldn’t get anymore Beemo’s in there. Keep this moving. We have another Marceline with her axe. Let’s pull that out of there.
Marceline is 3-in-40. She’s not quite 1 per case or 2 per case. I guess some cases have 2, some cases have 1. My case happens to have 2 Marceline there. That’s okay. Let’s keep going here. I love to get 1 more rare figure although I did get two 1-in-40 and one 1-in-20 figure. Let’s see if I’ll get at least one more. Oh, that didn’t work out too well for me. There we go.
Hey, awesome. We’ve got Ice King. Really nice. This is a cool looking figure. Look at this giant chunk of plastic there with his giant nose. Getting a profile there. Really makes an impression there. Ice King, how rare are you buddy? You are 1-in-20. Cool, there’s only one of him in the case. I got my Ice King. He doesn’t come with anything.
I thought maybe his crown would be separate or something but that’s cool. It’s right on there. Some of these, their heads move, their arms move. They’re not really too articulated but you can pose them a little bit. Cool. Mr. Ice King don’t donk up his action. Who else besides Ice King? Let’s go. I guess Finn is going to be in the back here. I would’ve thought we would’ve got Finn right away. Actually, you know what, which a lot of these sets they seem to put the main characters all the way to the back.
We did get a bunch of Jake though. Speak of the devil, here’s Finn. Cool. He is 2-in-20. I’m sure we’ll get another Finn in here somewhere. I’m really liking this set. I think the detail and the color on these is fantastic. I think they translate well into the 3D space. That sword fits right in his hand. There you go. Wow, really cool. There’s good old Finn.
I would recommend if you are interested in this set, grab it. I got this case from Entertainment Earth. Kid Robot stuff doesn’t tend to hang around too long at least from what I’ve seen. There you go. There’s your 3rd Jake there.
We got Finn and Jake right next to each other there. After a while, you can’t really find them in stores. They’re not available online anymore. People start selling them on EBay for insane amount of money. It seems Kid Robot does really limited runs of their stuff, which is a shame because these are great. I got this just adds to the collectability of all of them. I guess that’s why they do it. Oh, we got Princess Bubble Gum. Now Princess Bubble Gum does not come with any accessories either.
Princess Bubble Gum is 1-in-20. There’s only one of her in a case. That’s cool. Hello Princess Bubble Gum. How are you? There we go. Cool Princess Bubble Gum.
Now I don’t think there’s any exclusives or any hot topic exclusives or any convention exclusives of these. Oh they got Jake there, that’s cool or Finn rather, duh. That’s cool. You got Finn and Deemo. A nice little Easter egg.
I don’t know, Kid Robot will sometimes do that. They do the convention exclusives. They’ll do a rare variant version. Lumpy Space Princess, there you go. Lumpy Space Princess is 3-in-40. I don’t know. We might get another Lumpy Space Princess. We’ll see. There you go. Really cool. Their arms move. A little grumpy as usual. There you go.
Have we gotten all of the? No, we didn’t get Gunter. We’ve gotten most the 1-in-20 figure. Hopefully we’ll get a female rare figure. Let’s see. Maybe we’ll get some rares at the back of the case here. That would be really nice.
It looks like we got most of the common figures. What we did get? Speak of the devil, we got Gunter. He is 2-in-20 figure. I’ll probably get another Gunter in here. He doesn’t come with any accessories but very cool. There’s a giant plastic penguin. There you go.
Moving on. Look at that. At the bottom of the box, there’s Jake. You know something, I didn’t realize. It looks like all of these. I haven’t done this in a while. They come with a sticker and a little check list there. Let’s see, oh Abe Lincoln. They spoil that. That is the mystery figure there. That’s neat. Maybe we’ll get an Abe Lincoln in here. That’s cool. I didn’t know they all came with the stickers. Sorry guys.
I just happened to notice that. I’m not going to go back and pull them all out but there’s Ice King. You get the idea. That’s neat. That’s a nice little bonus there. That’s cool. I haven’t done that in a while. Really neat. They each come with a sticker. As we go on here, I’ll pull the stickers out of the other ones that are here. That’s good to know. I’m sorry guys. I would’ve been pulling those out. It looks like they’re all kinds of the same. I just happened to see Jake staring at me from one of the boxes that I opened.
Let’s not spoil the mystery. Let’s see who this is and then we’ll pull the sticker out there. We’ve got another Finn whose head came off. Oh, jeez. The whole thing fell apart. His backpack goes back on. I guess we can snap his head back on there. I’ll have to mess with that but that’s okay, I got another Finn. It sucks they got a busted one with his head busted off there. We’ll see if I can get that back on. Headless, Finn you go over there and we’ll pull out your sticker so people can see.
Come on. There it is. Hey there is the Finn sticker. Very cute, very cool. Again, neat little bonus there especially when his damn head fell off. Oh, well. Let’s keep it going. Let’s see. I would love to get one more rare in here. I still have a chance to getting a Lich. I think that would be really cool being next to the way to end this. Oh, nice. We’ve got the Flame Princess. She’s 3-in-40. Hopefully that doesn’t three of her right now all next to each other. Flame Princess doesn’t come with any accessory.
I threw her box. Where did I put her box? I don’t have her sticker to show you. Sorry guys. I just threw the box somewhere. I’m not sure what I did with it. I’ve got a big pile of boxes here next to me. Sorry everybody but there you go. There’s Flame Princess. Very cool looking figure. Awesome. I have not gotten a Prince Gumball, the Ice Queen, the Lich, Magic Man, Cake and I guess Abe Lincoln. Hopefully I’ll get one of them in here. It would be very cool to see. Who do you think this is? Hopefully not a double. Oh, nice. I got Magic Man. Cool.
He is question mark rarity. I don’t know what that means. He’s 1 per case or 2 per case or I don’t really know how rare he is but looking at him a lot, it’s cool. He’s got his backpack on there. Awesome. That’s nice. I got a nice little surprise at the end of the case there in the form of Magic Man.
Now I’ve got 2 more left. Man it would be really cool if I could pull the Lich. That would be so awesome. As it is, it’s very cool that I got mystery rarity Magic Man there. I’ve been happy with this case so far. Okay, come on. Give me the Lich. Give me the Lich. Let’s do this.
Let’s make it happen. All right, who is this? We have, suspense. Nice. A 1-in-40 figure. I thought it was Princess Gumball but it’s Prince Gumball. That’s awesome. Another 1-in-40 figure, sweet. That’s three 1-in-40 figures that I got in here so far and then one more sitting in the corner there. Prince Gumball’s looking pretty cool. Looking great, 1-in-40 figure.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think? Do you think this is the Lich? I don’t know. That would be really cool. If it’s not the Lich, maybe it can be the only other 1-in-40 figure I didn’t get. Maybe it could be Finn.
I don’t know if it feels like a Lich or what. Let’s see. Oh, man how cool it would be. It’s the Lich, open it up. It is. It’s Gunter. Decidedly not the Lich also not another 1-in-40 figure but that’s okay. Gunter you’re awesome so it’s totally fine. You know what, overall I didn’t get the Lich. No big deal. I got a really cool assortment. Aside from the poor headless Finn there, I think they’re really cool. I got Magic Man. I got 3 of the 1-in-40 figures. I got almost the whole set. I just didn’t get Cake, Abe Lincoln and the Lich really is all that I’m missing, I think.
Overall, not bad. Oh, and Ice Queen. I didn’t get Ice Queen. 4 figures out of the set. That’s not too bad. I didn’t get too many doubles either. I think the set looks great. I definitely recommend it. If you are an Adventure Time fan, absolutely pick these up. They’re really, really nicely done figures. I’ll see if I can hunt down the other figures and do a cool full set video.
I really hope you enjoyed this. You should check out my other unboxing videos too. We got lots of other Kid Robot stuff: Funko, Titans, all sorts of awesome stuff on my channel.
I hope you like and subscribe and share and thank you so much for watching. Keep on collecting.